I have a guilty pleasure of reading the tweets of Eddie Izzard, as he jogs his way through the UK (hey that rhymed) to raise money for Sport Relief (part of Comic Relief). I did donate a small amount for the cause. :)
Anyway, that is my "distraction" while into my second week as Head Librarian. I've been asked time and again, "do I like my new job?" The answer is obviously, yes, I wouldn't be a librarian if I didn't want to work in libraries. The responsibility as Head is something that I CAN handle (Yes, I Can); although, it is the adjustment period that is stressing me, at this time. I keep forgetting that I'm now the one who makes the decisions around here. :)
Next week I'll start with the interviews for my old part-time position. I have two local librarians with some cataloging experience which is good news, since the part-time position is mostly a cataloging position, with other duties spread out here and there.
We have just found out who are boy's teachers are, Andrew has Mrs. Aldrich for 5th grade and Aidan has Mrs. Julio for 1st grade. Good teachers!! They don't start school until Sept. 8th, since Michigan law states that school is to begin after Labor Day. The boys have one more week of BHK's Summer Great Exploration Program, and Mies and I are scrambling to find someone to watch them for two weeks. FYI--BHK (Baraga-Houghton-Keweenaw) is an organization that dominates all things children up here. They offer Head Start, Even Start, Childcare, partner with Americorps, they do EVERYTHING. It's hard for many other early education places to compete with them. I have to admit, that their Head Start pre-school program, which is FREE for all local 4 year olds, since we live is a remote and (outside of Houghton/Hancock) rural area, is very good. Both our boys went to a BHK pre-school and loved it. I volunteered many, many, many times and they did an incredible job!
We had a very cool summer this year, that is until August. The local forecasters in the area have all predicated a HOT August. I know that the lower peninsula had a wet Spring and Summer, but up here we are close to drought situations. Lake Superior is down 12" this summer, I guess the other Great Lakes are up, and so it Lake St. Clair. Because it has been very cool and dry, my garden isn't doing so well. We'll maybe get one or two cucumbers and looks like no tomatoes. :( One the positive I planted some lettuce and that is growing, I put it in a large pot, on our second story deck, so the rabbits or deer won't eat it.
Well, break time is over, back to work!