Monday, January 31, 2011

Aidan needs glasses

Yes, he does he has Accomadative Esotropia, which means his eyes cross when he tries to focus on anything, like reading, writing, coloring. This is a great relief, believe it or not. He has been struggling with reading and is a grade level behind. We noticed reading problems in first grade, but chalked in up to him being more of a sight reader, like the rest of us in our family. "Hooked on Phonics" does not compute, in the Martin household.
So, why did we take so long to correct the situation, you ask? Well, we did take him to an eye doctor last year, who told us that yes his eye turns in, have him "blink it off". Huh? Well, thanks to our insurance, we were stuck with that diagnoses for a year, cos only one exam/year is covered. Plus, we were still not sure if it wasn't just a sight word thing, or maybe he could have dyslexia, it runs the family. Which reminds of me...

Eddie Izzard Dsylexia--"Stripped"

Not to say that Aidan doesn't have dyslexia in addition to esotropia, he may, who knows. At least we are heading in the right direction.
We have a meeting with his teacher, the principal, the counselor, the Title I teacher and possibly the resource room teacher, tomorrow at 1:30pm. We shall see how that goes. It's mostly a different crew than we had with Andrew, since most of those idiots have retired. Thank you, A-sus, B-sus, C-sus, etc. (Sorry another EI bit)
Eddie Izzard & God--"Stripped"

Holy Cow, I'm exhausted. Time for bed! More later.

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