Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All things David Foley

I was a HUGE fan of the tv show News Radio, plus a HUGE fan of KITH.
I admit I follow the KITH fan page on Facebook, which is where I came upon this podcast/interview of "The Joe Rogan Experience" (who was also on NR) of David Foley.
I was shocked about child support laws in Canada! Poor Dave.
However, divorces aside, Mr. Foley is very talented and I'm positive that he will land on his feet. And this is a fun interview, so watch it.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

13th Anniversary (2/21/11)

My favorite scene from Bridget Jones' Diary. It spoke to me, because Mies is the serious, intellectual guy and I'm the quirky, airhead, but he loves me just the way I am.