Monday, October 26, 2009


So, I'm back from my weekend trip.
  • On Friday I had a great afternoon with my Dad! We just talked for hours. Then Mom and I went shopping, that was fun too. Lastly, ended the day with Paul, Celeste, Luisa, Jake & Miranda (plus Bomparents) at El Charro's. Yummy! Oh yes, and watched movie with Bomps, Paul and Jake.
  • Saturday, awoke to hear from Mies that Aidan had a fever and was instructed not to worry; like that's gonna happen. (Called several times) Got my nails done, hair trimmed, spent time w/ my Aunt Kathy, then more shopping with Momsy, and got ready to G-O, go. Was picked up by the Decker's, headed to the Tin Fish, then to Partridge Creek Hall for an interesting experience; interesting because many people were fascinated with my being a librarian. I was flattered, but...okay, they're right, it IS the coolest job EVER!! Plus, many of the gents were impressed with us residing the Upper Peninsula. It's not that exciting, fellas, trust me. Then the "after" party at the Red Ox. By that time my feet were KILLING ME! Why did I buy heals that high??? Oh and everyone loved my Mom's coat, I got many hugs wearing it. ;) And was truly grateful for Mr. Jerry Decker and his being our "DD" for the evening. Deanna married a gem and a gent, in one person.
  • Sunday, awoke early w/ lovely headache, called to check-in on Aidan, talked to parents about the night. S-L-O-W-L-Y got myself packed and moving. Had a great lunch with Barry/Scavo crew (bummed not to see Cristina, but hey, she's a popular teenager). Sat in the sunshine for 15 minutes or so. Then hopped in the "Bomps" mobile (a.k.a. Clifford the big-red-van) and headed to the airport. To find out that my flight was delayed, then after finally boarding, waiting for 20 minutes before take off, then circled Eu Claire, WI for 20 minutes only to taxi in MIN/SP for another 20 minutes. Fortunately, I had some time before the flight to Hancock, so I was good. Talked to Mies on the phone for 'while only to find out that Andrew had a fever, too. Then got on the puddle jumper (?? thought they were discontinuing that service and going with DC9's??) and headed home.
  • Had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. Still dehydrated. But got to work, drank tons 'o water.
Now back to reality and to start getting ready for Halloween gathering. :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

20 years....

Early tomorrow morning I'll be heading out, by myself, on a plane to DTW, for the weekend. (boy that sentence had too many prepositional phrases, didn't it?)
Why, you ask? Well, it is class reunion time, which seems odd to me to have a reunion this time of year since most reunions happen in the summer, but our class was always a little off.
I am excited to go, honestly. NO, I wasn't a cheerleader or even that popular (yawn), but I was one of those people who got along well with everyone and would like to know how people are doing. I'm not interested in what they do for a living or comparing who has the "better" job/car/house. I'm a librarian, for crying out loud, I have a crap job/car/house. Ok, my job isn't crap, I love my job. My point is, I've never been one to care about frivolous things, I just want to have good conversations. I want to catch up with people I knew at weird time in my cognitive development, it that strange? Maybe.

More to come...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Snow in the forecast...

It is only October 8th and yes all the weather people are predicting snow this weekend. Granted it is not going to stick and stay, but still....snow?

Um, Mother Nature, may I have a word? I mean we had an awful winter that ended just 6 months ago, and not to mention that you gave us a cold(ish) summer. Alright, okay, I'll give you September, cos it was beautiful, but that was 1 month out of 12. However, Mother Nature, fall is the best season up here, so don't rush it with early snow, please. I need the fall smells, colors, coolness to get me through winter!
What's that you say?....I should take vitamin D...well I have added that to my regiment of vitamins, and don't change the subject, honestly, Mother Nature...vitamin D! NO, you listen here, bring some fall-like sunshine for the rest of the month, OR ELSE!'re right...I'm sorry...I'll ask...."nicely"...could you PLEASE bring back some fall-like sunshine for the rest of the month?