Monday, June 28, 2010

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Saturday night's sunset over Lake Superior.

Survived the Rain and Mist

We had a great time camping this weekend. There were a few hiccups, like the weather, but all-in-all not bad. We're planning our next trip this evening. :)

Friday, was wet, and Mies and Andrew had set up camp in a downpour, and--of course--once everything was set up the rain stopped. I mopped everything up (the inside of the tent was wet, but not too bad) and then made dinner. I was able to get the campfire going even w/ damp wood! All those years of Girls Scouts paid off. :p
The other tricky part of Friday were the dogs. With Mollie being so young, and never camped before, we were not sure how that would play out. BUT she was good, for the most part, some whining that got a bit annoying after awhile, but with the aid of chewy toys and the boys playing with her, she calmed down.
Saturday, started off sunny-ish, then this mist came in off Lake Superior, it was cool to watch. The mist covered the whole area in a short period of time and lasted about 3 hours. Later that afternoon, on the other side of the park, was a gathering of some people from the Van Pelt library at MTU. We had brats, beans, veggie kabobs, etc and fun topics of conversation.
Lastly, on Sunday, more rain in the morning as we were breaking camp, but nowhere near as bad as Friday night, rain-wise.

Like I said, we had a great time and are planning our next venture this evening.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June IS busting out all over....

Wow, summer has just started, but seems to be going fast. The boys and I traveled downstate to visit my parents immediately after they finished school. They had a 1/2 day on the 10th and then we "hit the road" for 10 hours of driving time. Andrew and Aidan are good travelling companions. They did not have any electronics on this trip, so just books, themselves and lots of imagination. We arrived in SCS around 10:30(ish) in the pm. The next day, well evening, my 'rents had a "graduation" party for Andrew, since he "graduated" from Elementary School and is off to Middle School next year. Saturday, I had lunch with some friends for high school, which was great! Then that evening we spent with my cousin Scott Dawson and his boys for his youngest son's birthday. We played laser tag and video games and all kinds of craziness. The boys and I had a fun time. Then on Sunday, my 'Rents, my niece Miranda, the boys and I went to the Toledo Zoo. Sorry to say this, but enjoyed it more than the Detroit Zoo (and I like the Detroit Zoo). After all of that, Monday we got together with a friend of mine from college and her kids at Metro Beach Park. It was a bit rainy, but enjoyable. Finally, came back home on Tuesday, again the boys did wonderful.
So, all-in-all, the long weekend trip was successful; we were needing to get-away and that was just enough.
Last weekend was Bridgefest, 2010. Mies' Mom and Step-Dad came into town for that and stayed with us. We all had a great time. Too "great" for me on Friday night...the wine went down a wee bit too easily that night. But by late Saturday morning I was good to go!! We enjoyed the car show, the water skiers, and other vendors. Sunday we watched the Cardboard Boat Regatta. I cannot explain that, you would have to experience it on your own. :)
Now, this weekend is camping! Cannot wait, almost packed! A little bummed it may rain, but such is life. We will have fun regardless. :-) AND next Wednesday, is Andrew's 12th Birthday, he's been counting down the days...

More summer events to come...

Friday, June 4, 2010


I cannot stomach the thought of this "autism drug" development. Why do we need a drug for a pervasive disorder? Autism is not a disease like cancer, which is the other types of drugs this company develop. I don't really even classify autism as a disorder, more of a condition, Autism Spectrum Condition.
What I find most disturbing is that this drug isn't anywhere near a trial phase and parents are "excited" about it?!? They want to subject their children to drug trials, use them as guinea pigs? That is just crazy, no? To those parents, I say, gee, I'm really sorry your kid isn't 'normal', but who is normal and what kind of normalcy are you wanting your child to be? Love your child [period].
We have many challenges with Andrew, but we love him and support him and give him every opportunity to thrive and succeed. Yes, he sees the world differently, but is that a BAD thing? I embrace his uniqueness and through him I've even changed how I see the world. He is an inspiration, a gentle soul, a loving child, and he's perfect the way that he is; he doesn't need to fit into some mold of mythological uniformity!
People, please, love your child [period]. Help them to reach their potential on their terms. Feed their interests, seek out therapies, help them make sense of the world, their world. Don't try to shove a pill down their throats in order to become something they are not meant to be, something "normal". Let go of normal, throw it away, accept being's a good thing!