Monday, January 3, 2011


Happy 2011! My resolution is to spend more time reading. Why? Well my reason is twofold. First, I'm doing something I think is fun. We inherited a set of the Harvard Classics--Five-foot shelf---and I'm embarking on the 15 minute a day reading list. I started two days ago, and am enjoying the selections so far. I'm not going to blog about this in too much detail, as it has been done before. However, it does get me "warmed up" to do some reading that I've been putting off. Reading various materials related to the profession. And so, when I've completed my 15 minutes of the Harvard Classic o' the day, I then read Charles Osburn's Social Transcript: Uncovering Library Philosophy. I've just begun, and can tell it's going to be a worthwhile read. I do remember being taken aback in library school that there was no central philosophy to librarianship. This book has already sparked some interest for me and will be ILL-ing articles and such on the topic. More blogs to follow. Here is one review that I've found.

"Retired from active academic work, Osburn introduces a philosophy for the library, using the processes of cultural evolution as a context for understanding why—rather than how—the social institution functions. The concept of the library and the practice within it are confused in the minds both of the public and scholars, he argues, so that misleading conceptions and fundamental misunderstandings about what the library is and why it exists arise easily and often. His topics include strategic considerations, a cultural technology, and stewardship of the social transcript."

Reference & Research Book News

Now for reason #2:
My husband will be taking his comprehensive exams toward his PhD starting this April. His 4 questions were approved late last summer and has been working hard with his reading lists. However, he has complained that there are too many distractions around the house and also, that he's feeling like he is not alloted enough time to focus. I can understand, this has been his struggle since the beginning, seven years ago, working full time, raising a family and working toward his PhD. Lately, he's been complaining that I'm watching too much tv! ME? The 2 shows I watch irregularly. That is a distraction?!? Ok, enough scoffing. If that is his area of concern, and I'm not a vidiot and do enjoy reading, I've decided that spending more time reading (and possibly blogging) would be less of a distraction and possibly an encouragement for my husband to complete his studies.

Not too shabby of a resolution and I may learn something along the way. If I do, I'll keep you posted.

Happy New Year!

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